A new EU Directive to promote the development of innovative companies in Finland

A new EU Directive to promote the development of innovative companies in Finland
Publishedо 5 June, 2018
At the end of May the European Commission published updated recommendations on the issue of plastic products usage in the Union. In addition, it announced a list of goods getting completely prohibited, such as cups or food containers. Finland plans to take advantage of these restrictions for the development of domestic business.

Many Finnish companies are currently actively developing and implementing technologies for the production of various products that do not contain plastic. For example, Sulapac offers biodegradable packaging produced using wood and free from artificial adhesive components. Many companies are developing new technologies for the manufacture of disposable tableware, allowing to process waste paper in plates or cups. VTT research center is working on methods of production of "useful" plastics based on plant sugars.

In connection with the active struggle of European countries with slowly decomposing plastic, which worsens the environmental situation, Finland predicts the active development of its own companies in this area.

Source: goodnewsfinland.ru